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Вы здесь » UNBREAKABLE - Backstreet Forum » Brian Thomas Littrell » Лиэнн и Бэйли Литтреллы

Лиэнн и Бэйли Литтреллы

Сообщений 181 страница 200 из 484


"OUR" hero Baylee!
Baylee and Dr. Nieh
At Scottish Rite Children's Hospital of Atlanta

Бедняга малыш... Помолюсь за него...



я вчера в таком шоке была, что невнимательно прочла. раз отпустили домой, значит не так плохо дела!



Так, давайте наши грустные эмоции сублимируем в положительные и пожелаем Бейлику скорейшего выздоровления!



Я в шоке!(((
Всё должно быть хорошо, обязано быть! Будет! И никак иначе! Притягиваем!



Всё так и будет!
Вспомните о детстве Брайки. Он вообще не жилец был со своим пороком сердц. Но, в результате, стал не только отличным певцом и танцором, но и игроком в разные бейсболы/баскетболы и прекрасным отцом. Литтреллы бойцы по натуре. Так что, и Бейлик выкарабкается. Тем более, что сосудистыми болезнями сейчас в мире страдает каждый второй. И не умирает.



Бедный ребенок! Это ужасно - так серьезно болеть в таком маленьком возрасте. По себе знаю, к сожалению... Ну ничего, надеюсь, что все образуется! Я уверена! :flirt:



Leighanne Littrell, wife of Backstreet Boys singer Brian Littrell, talks about their son Baylee's medical condition after the six-year-old was hospitalized last week.

"There were a lot of stories going around, a lot of wrong information on what was going on," Leighanne tells OK! magazine. "I had heard stories that his heart had hardened or people thought he had cancer, and I just didn't want it to get so blown up."

"Before being admitted, Baylee had been treated for or thought to have had strep throat, hand, foot, mouth disease and erythema multiforme. After receiving a biopsy, blood tests, an EKG and 2 echocardiograms, Baylee was finally diagnosed with A-Typical Kawasaki Disease," Brian had blogged about his son's condition.

The blog entry went on to explain that Kawasaki Disease causes inflammation in the coronary arteries as well as the walls of the small and medium sized arteries throughout the body. Baylee received a treatment to bring down the inflammation in his coronary arteries and will be closely monitored for the next 6-8 weeks to see if the treatment was effective, according to the singer.

Since his diagnosis, Baylee has been released from the hospital and Leighanne tells OK!: "We've had probably the craziest six days of our entire life and I hope that that's the worst it gets. Baylee's just running around in his Batman costume and he's feeling so much better and his attitude is fantastic."

Leighanne goes on to say that Baylee's improved health is the best Christmas present they have ever received, but the time spent in the hospital didn't leave them much time to shop.

"We're trying to order a Santa because we've been in the hospital for so long," she tells the mag. "We didn't get to shop or anything because we were in the hospital so now we're shopping last-minute for all his family members."

7:34 AM - More On Baylee
Category: Life

It's been a trying week for singer Brian Littrell and his family following the hospitalization of his son Baylee and the six-year-old's subsequent diagnosis with atypical Kawasaki's Syndrome, an inflammation of the arteries around the heart.

Not only have Brian and his wife Leighanne had to deal with this personal matter, they've had to do so in the media spotlight, which often gets details wrong in the rush for a juicy bit of news.

"There were a lot of stories going around, a lot of wrong information on what was going on," Leighanne tells OK! in an exclusive interview. "I had heard stories that his heart had hardened or people thought he had cancer, and I just didn't want it to get so blown up."

But it's not just the press that's been wrong with the details of Baylee's story. According to Leighanne, before doctor's reached the Kawasaki's conclusion, the boy had been diagnosed with everything from strep throat to hand, foot and mouth disease.

One small positive thing Leighanne is taking away from the massive media interest in Baylee's condition is that it's a chance to educate people about the facts and fictions surrounding Kawasaki's. "What I'd like to do is talk to some people about what we went through and make parents aware of our steps and actions so that maybe their kid won't get misdiagnosed."

Now that Baylee is home for the holidays, the Littrells are attempting to get back to a normal life. "We've had probably the craziest six days of our entire life and I hope that that's the worst it gets," says Leighanne. "Baylee's just running around in his Batman costume and he's feeling so much better and his attitude is fantastic."

Of course, all this distress has taken its toll on the actual gift-giving part of Christmas, something the Littrells are trying to make up for now. "We're trying to order a Santa because we've been in the hospital for so long," she tells OK!. "We didn't get to shop or anything because we were in the hospital so now we're shopping last-minute for all his family members."

So what do Brian and Leighanne want to see under their tree on Thursday morning? Just their little boy. "We're literally thanking every minute of every day because it's actually the best Christmas present we've ever gotten."

Be sure to pick up the next issue of OK! for the entire story of little Baylee's battle.





http://www.littrellfans.net/gallery/thu … amp;page=2







Сынишка вылетый папашка)))
Уверена,что такойже сильный духом и настойчивый!



Кстати говоря, Бэй на маму больше похож, как мне видится :rolleyes: Хотя, у него, конечно, черты лица от обоих родителей. Нос Бори, а вот рот не его. За то кудряшки такие-же! :D



Вобще он взял что-то от обоих родителей,но всё же по-моему больше похож на папу)



Какой же он хорошенький, просто слов нет. Такой сладкий малыш. :love:



ангелочек  :love:



Фотка где он с мамкой такая милая))) :blush:



в кепочке классный :love:  :cool:



вообщем судя по новому видео, Бейлик чувствует себя нормально. от лечения всё пришло в норму, доктор канешно наблюдает за ним. но уже не постельный режим, взяли на шоу, а значит всё хорошо! с чем вас всех и поздравляю!
*как он лыбицца, как балуецца - как здоровый ваще! прелесь наша смешнючая!)*
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m271/Lika_13/gifs/-new-4.gif http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m271/Lika_13/gifs/-n77ew.gif



Веселый,смешной и позитивный малыш)Весь в папу)
Желаю этому ангелочу не болеть)



http://cs506.vkontakte.ru/u14345910/66892345/x_88f5638a.jpg- все здоровенькие и невредименькие! http://www.mysmiles.ru/003-1.gif



:cool: Супир!!!Фотка класс!!!Вся семья в зборе)))


Вы здесь » UNBREAKABLE - Backstreet Forum » Brian Thomas Littrell » Лиэнн и Бэйли Литтреллы