Гы, ну дык, у нас с ней договор, присматривает за страусом))
Нянько оно их общее
Вот что на французском бэковском сайте написали по поводу этой фотки:
Here is a picture taken at the time in BBQ which Nick and Leigh (Howie was certainly there but he does not appear on the pictures! lol) had participate/
Here what the person presented on this pictures wrote on her blog:
"Today we have had a BBQ with some friends and the view was amazing!
I wouldn't mind living there, we took a bath in the jacuzzi, told ghost stories and ate a lot of good food"
О как! Развлекаются мальчики с девочками.
Добавлено спустя 3 минуты:
Вот что пишут бразильцы:
New photo of the Nick and Leigh Dorough (wife of Howie) in a barbecue with friends week passed in Los Angeles, according to information, Howie D took off the photo.
Я знааааааала.
Отредактировано Helly K (07-10-2008 13:11:51)