да и Кевин первым узнал о том, что Хов предложение Ли сделал)))
Кевин первым сказал, что они поженяцца. гадалка нах)
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Вы здесь » UNBREAKABLE - Backstreet Forum » Howard Dwain Dorough » Howard Dwain Dorough >> Разнообразный Ховофлуд
да и Кевин первым узнал о том, что Хов предложение Ли сделал)))
Кевин первым сказал, что они поженяцца. гадалка нах)
Я скучаю по этой пятёрке...
Ухххх, суппперпозитивная фотааа! Ее б да на шапку форума. Больно уж красивые оне!!! :gil:
хоть убейте,но не вижу я в его глазах любви....
кристина я тоже ни какой любви , но пора уже смириться , что они вместе.
мне раньше казалось , что он ее не любит , хотя как он тогда женился на ней? у меня есть две версии:
1. они уже долго живут вместе может это не любовь, а просто привязанность к ней т.е он ее не любит, но без нее тоже быть не может.
2. ему наверно кажется что она идеальная девушка (он искал надежную) , и т.к может это привязанность, он понимает , что если он ее потеряет другой такой он не найдет...ну или ли его просто заставила женится. :dry:
Вероника, не отправляй несколько постов подряд, пожалуйста. Пользуйся функцией редактирования своего поста.
Отредактировано Асяня (15-12-2007 15:21:02)
я просто поражаюсь!!! Вера, ты в свои 18 лет настолько умудрённая опытом женщина, что позволяешь себе судить "любит-не любит"?! твои версии не имеют никакого отношения ни к Ди, ни к правде его жизни. просто потому что ты:
1. не знаешь его СОВСЕМ
2. не прожила целую жизнь, наблюдая сотни отношений между людьми и даже не училась на психолога. и соответственно не можешь видеть любовь в отношениях или не видеть её.
у меня всё.
ну во-первых я вероника , а не вера , а во-вторых я повидала достаточно в свои 18 лет , чтобы так рассуждать о людях, да я согласна что я не знаю хова и его отношений с ли , но я все лишь поддержала кристинку и выразила свое мнение.
выражать своё мнение можно по-разному, вероника, ты же продолжаешь настойчиво и упрямо утверждать, что Ди не любит свою прекрасную жену Ли, с которой прожил более 6-ти лет. не думаю, что ты в своей жизни с кем-то столько провстречалась, не гря уже о том, чтоб жить вместе.
Так! Не ругаеися!!! лучше с интересом читаем Interview From OK Magazine With Howie & His New Wife Leigh
elting out dozens of swoon-worthy and romantic ballads couldn't prepare Howie Dorough for the biggest day of his life -- his wedding to longtime girlfriend Leigh Boniello.
"I had to hold myself back from crying," Howie tells OK!. "She was so beautiful."
The Backstreet Boy, 34, tied the knot with his lady on Dec. 8 in front of 180 guests, including his bandmates, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, A.J. McLean and Kevin Richardson, who left the group last year, and OK! was invited for the big bash. After Howie and Leigh, 33, made it official, the couple sat down with OK! to reflect on their special day as they embark on their new life as husband and wife.
Congrats, describe the day, the wedding!
HD: Seriously, it was a fairy tale, rock star wedding. I couldnt ask for anything more. Honestly, my cheeks are hurting from smiling so hard.
LB: It was amazing. It really went well. We had so many surprises for everyone. The whole thing went on for three days. The house that we had the reception at was 45 minutes away from the church. We provided bus transportation for all of our guests so that nobody would have to drink and drive. We wanted people to be comfortable and able to enjoy it. We didnt tell anybody but Howie and I jumped on a helicopter in front of this 32,000 square foot mansion where we had the reception, there was a helicopter pad right in front where the cocktail hour was being served. So we flew in which was a huge surprise. We got off the helicopter. It was awesome, everyone was shocked.
Howie, what did you think as Leigh walked up the aisle?
HD: Oh my God. I was holding myself back from crying. I had to take a couple big breaths. She was so beautiful. It was more than I ever expected. It was so breathtaking.
Did you cry?
HD: I was holding it back; I definitely got choked up. My eyes definitely watered here and there. I was like this is really happening. The priest told me this is your dream come true, I always wanted to get married in my own church where I was baptized. My oldest sister got married there. It really was a dream come true. It was a fairytale wedding.
LB: Im a pretty emotional person, so I totally thought I would. But I think after all the planning, as soon as we were getting ready to go, I was like all right, were doing it. I didnt even cry, my makeup looked so good, I didnt want to ruin my makeup. I shocked myself; I got in mode. My dad was worse than I was. My dad was tearing up. Im looking at him like, Dont start!
Were you nervous?
HD: Oh yeah, the couple days before we got married everyone was like, "Wow, you're so calm." I was like, "Hey, no big deal!" The last hour before we got married, I was nervous. I couldnt find my cufflinks, so that just started it off. From there, I accidentally spilled a glass of champagne on one of my groomsmen. My brother was like dude, its good luck. He was like enjoy it! It went by so fast. Everyone says it goes by so fast, and I was like, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." It did, it went by so fast. But we had such a great time.
LB: Yeah, definitely. I think more nervous in the morning getting ready, but not so nervous at the church. It went really smoothly.
Did anyone forget their vows/have a problem saying it?
HD: My voice is hoarse because I lost it a couple days ago. But besides that it was all good. I was a little shaky.
LB: No, not at all. We handled the vows really well. We didnt get choked up or anything. We just did it. I was proud of us. We put on a good show!
What was the most emotional moment?
HD: I think seeing Leigh coming down the aisle. It was amazing. I just kept on telling her I love her so much. I kept saying, "You look so beautiful." It was a dream come true for me. Shes my best friend.
LB: Just seeing my dad cry as I walked down the aisle. And my mom of course.
What was your first dance to, "Endless Love"? Describe it.
HD: Yes we did. She has lower base voice than me, so she did the Lionel Richie part. I did the Diana Ross part. Just the fact that everyone was there and enjoyed the moment with us. We got a cover over the whole pool, that was the dance floor. I dont think any nightclub in L.A .could ever even match it.
LB: Not your typical wedding song but its always been an inside joke with Howie and I. I our house in L.A., we have music on throughout the house. That was one of the songs, when we first moved in we probably heard it like 15 times, like while were cooking and things like that. Our big joke is he sings all the high parts. He does the Diana part, and I do the Lionel Richie part. We did a little of that, I dont know if anyone got the joke. But it ended up being pretty funny.
What did you serve at dinner?
LB: Everyone got a tenderloin of beef, and a halibut with a lemon zest. And sweet potato mashed potatoes, and vegetables on the side. Im a vegetarian, and they made an amazing meal with eggplant, mozzarella, roasted red pepper, like a napoleon.
Any last minute problems/hitches?
LB: Besides my fianc losing his passport two days before our wedding as were going to go on our honeymoon? Luckily The Firm, his management company was great, they were there, they got it done in a day. We literally got the Fedex package yesterday.
HD: Besides me not finding my cufflinks, that was about it. It actually was really smooth. And besides me spilling champagne on my friend. It was perfect. I was really choked up. Im getting choked up just thinking of it.
What was your favorite/most memorable moment?
LB: Flying in on the helicopter for sure. I think Howie might have mentioned to you. In order for us to make sure people would leave the church and not congregate we did a butterfly release in memory of Howies sister, Caroline, who died of lupus. They released two hundered butterflies when we walked out of the church and then we got in to a horse drawn carriage and just basically rode around the block until everyone left and didnt go back in the church It was a nice touch.
HD: By all means the helicopter. I wanted to do a rock star entrance. Everyone was like, "WOW!" The helicopter swooped around the house a couple of times. It was a drastic entrance. And the butterfly release outside the beautiful church. And we rode in this horse carriage. It was like a fairy tale, like Alice in Wonderland.
Were all the Backstreet guys there?
HD: Yes, everyone was there. Nick unfortunately didnt make the wedding but he was there at the reception. Deborah Gibson was there. And Chris Kirkpatrick from 'N Sync.
What was it like to have them there?
HD: It was awesome. They all got up to say a special blessing to Leigh and I. It was sweet. Theyre like my brothers, and for me to have them there I got choked up. They said something to both of us. They know Leigh as well, because she used to work for us. The face that they said something, and recognized her, and how long weve been together was so sweet.
LB: I worked for the group so they all care for me a lot. I think they always knew we would get married. Theyve been so supportive. I just said to Nick, whos the only one who is single, well AJ is too. I just said to Nick, "Dont think you have to stop partying with us! Youre not losing a brother."
Tell me about your honeymoon to Antiguaare you excited?
HD: Were so excited. We just have three days to get away because I have to do some shows with the group, in Columbus, Boston, Hartford and New York. But were so excited, at least to get away for three days. We were going to do a honeymoon in Africa and Greece for a month but we couldnt do that because of the schedule with Backstreet. But just taking the time to go to this place, all-inclusive with a butler, were just so glad to chill and relax.
How about having children?
HD: Weve definitely talked about kids. Were both excited about taking on that next chapter in our lives. I think weve had some amazing years of being on the road and partying and having fun and really living life to the fullest. I think now that we are getting closer to our mid-30s, were not thinking so much about ourselves any more. Were now about creating a family together and taking our lives to the next chapter.
Reporting by Jon Warech, Jacqueline Neiss & Lillian Pons
ну во-первых я вероника , а не вера , а во-вторых я повидала достаточно в свои 18 лет , чтобы так рассуждать о людях
gbccctwwww////(непереводимая английская брань...) не обижась тока но меня это тааааааааааааааак насмешилооооооооооооооооооо...18 лет! чо делать больше нечего, как на чужих мужей глазеть и поливать грязью их жен? ДЕВОЧКИ! СРОЧНО ВЫТЕРЛИ СОПЛИ И ЗАНЯЛИСЬ СВОЕЙ СОБСТВЕННОЙ ЛИЧНОЙ ЖИЗНЬЮ!!! Воть статейку лучше читайте и учитесь, как отношения надо строить...чтоб выйти замуж за олигарха...Гыыыыыыгыыыыыгыыыыы!!!!
Энни написал:
I think seeing Leigh coming down the aisle. It was amazing. I just kept on telling her I love her so much. I kept saying, "You look so beautiful." It was a dream come true for me. Shes my best friend.
по-моему их слова лишний раз доказывают то, что и так очевидно. они любят друг друга и никакая это не привычка. Сначала надо стать лучшими друзьями, а любовь приходит постепенно. Настоящая любовь, а не сиюминутная влюбленность. Я не помню кто сказал...Любовь - это то, что остается, когда проходит влюбленность. Это очень важно. Они любят друг друга и даже в словах журнальных это видно. Я так рада за них! И желаю Хову только счастья!!!! А он мля счастлив с ней!!!!
Отредактировано ali (14-12-2007 09:53:27)
Сначала надо стать лучшими друзьями, а любовь приходит постепенно. Настоящая любовь, а не сиюминутная влюбленность.
ой, Сашунь, ППКС!
по-моему их слова лишний раз доказывают то, что и так очевидно. они любят друг друга и никакая это не привычка. Сначала надо стать лучшими друзьями, а любовь приходит постепенно. Настоящая любовь, а не сиюминутная влюбленность. Я не помню кто сказал...Любовь - это то, что остается, когда проходит влюбленность. Это очень важно. Они любят друг друга и даже в словах журнальных это видно. Я так рада за них! И желаю Хову только счастья!!!! А он мля счастлив с ней!!!!
и ваще все твои слова лишний раз доказывают какая ты умница! :friends:
млять! при объединении сообщений Сашки форум глюконул и одно пропало. Сашунь, сорри, чесное слово, я не виновата. хорошо, что вернувшись назад я сохранила его. вот пост ali:
Nick unfortunately didnt make the wedding but he was there at the reception.
ах падла!!!! только пожрать на халяву приперся сцуко!!!!!
HD: Weve definitely talked about kids. Were both excited about taking on that next chapter in our lives. I think weve had some amazing years of being on the road and partying and having fun and really living life to the fullest. I think now that we are getting closer to our mid-30s, were not thinking so much about ourselves any more. Were now about creating a family together and taking our lives to the next chapter.
Господи, как мило...я аж прослезилась в нескольких местах, читая статью... Энни БАЛЬШОЙ те thanx!!!! Улыбнуло !!!!
и ваще все твои слова лишний раз доказывают какая ты умница
ой ну наконец то не зараза! спасипки...смутила...
а я вот считаю, что настоящая любовь приходит в первые дни знакомства.
Отредактировано вероо4ка (14-12-2007 17:51:45)
Девочки. Не забывайте - ни те, кто утверждает, что это брак, созданный на небесах, ни те, кто говорят, что они нелюбящая друг друга пара, - СВЕЧКУ НЕ ДЕРЖАЛИ, в головах и душах у Хова с Ли не ночевали. Так что не спорьте и расслабьтесь - ВЫ ВСЕ НЕПРАВЫ!
эх ладно больше не буду о ли плохо говорить, пусть она с ховом будет счастлива.
Отредактировано вероо4ка (14-12-2007 18:53:47)
эх ладно больше не буду о ли плохо говорить, пусть она с ховом будет счастлива
дай бог...дай бог...жизнь покажет кто обрезал коту усы...
не понял что ты имела в виду)
вероо4ка написал:
эх ладно больше не буду о ли плохо говорить, пусть она с ховом будет счастлива
дай бог...дай бог...жизнь покажет кто обрезал коту усы...
не понял что ты имела в виду)
я это к тому, что главное, чтобы Ди был счастлив...
Personal Pictures
- какая же офигенная фотка!!!!! :gil:
последняя прикольная фотка, ли кстати очень идет оранжевый цвет. а я смотрю ли очень сдружилась с родителями ховки , вот дже головку на его отца положила.
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