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Вы здесь » UNBREAKABLE - Backstreet Forum » Howard Dwain Dorough » Howard Dwain Dorough >> Разнообразный Ховофлуд

Howard Dwain Dorough >> Разнообразный Ховофлуд

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И снова новости с Твиттера Мистера Ди. На сей раз о его новом протеже или партнёре, для записи совместной. Понятно одно - сейчас они друг у друга в 10-ке френдов на Майспейсе.

- I am working with an artist that i want to introduce to everyone. His name is Dan Talevski and he is an incredible singer! Check him out
- Dan is from Canada and is signed to Polow Da Dom's label "Zone 4" on Interscope and is working on a record to come out this year. He's dope!
- Dan tweets. As well you can check him at wwwyoutube.com/danjt87 & wwwmyspace.com/dantalevski. He is a pop/r&b singer that i think rocks!!

Скачать его песенки можно здесь !!!

(Послушала песни - ОЧ похоже на нового Билана или Тимберлейка в начале его сольной карьеры)



Ховка в крутые продюсеры заделался. Набирает девочек в новый гёрлз-бэнд. Неужели наигрался уже с Джеймсом?



ну чё рванем =) тряхнём стариной перед Ховкой http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii217/N79-07/smiles/70.gif http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii217/N79-07/smiles/71.gif https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/29/0a/2086-1.gif https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/29/0a/2074-1.gif



Вот именно, что стариной. Ибо взраст там от 13 до 17. Мы бум как Кевин на фоне Ника и Джея там  :crazyfun:



мдя .... жаль =)



Милые дамы, Ховихолики, ангелы Хова и не только вы! Начинаем гордиться нашим милым, мегО обаятельным и сексапильным мистером Ди! Я совершенно случайно на это наткнулась на википедии… наш глубокоуважаемый и любимый сладкий Ди зачислен в список выдающихся пуэрториканцев в разделе «Composers, musicians and singers»!!! вот ссыль дабы лицезреть и гордиться!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fa … rto_Ricans  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/29/0a/2086-1.gif



Алеся написал(а):

в список выдающихся пуэрториканцев

с чего бы это? у Хова разве двойное гражданство? Разве он не америкос?



Алеся написал(а):

Начинаем гордиться нашим милым, мегО обаятельным и сексапильным мистером Ди!

:cool: Здорово-то как!!!!!!!!! Молодчиночка наша!!!!!!! Горжусь им, родненьким.
Мороженку куплю, когда в декабре приедет

HowieHolic=) написал(а):

с чего бы это? у Хова разве двойное гражданство? Разве он не америкос?

Америкос. Но вот мать - Паола Флорес - пуэрториканка. И Хауи, став известным, никогда не забывал о своём прошлом и продвигал культуру. Песни-там Бэки выпускали - испанские версии их хитов и особенно нежно относились к латиноамериканским фэнам.



Helly K написал(а):

Песни-там Бэки выпускали - испанские версии их хитов и особенно нежно относились к латиноамериканским фэнам.

И данное внимание было щедро вознаграждено!!!! Гип, Гип, Урраааа!!!



Эх жаль что среди  их нет русских ,а то бы к нам они тоже нежнее относились!!! :mad:  :'(



И снова немного инфы из википедии (полезная всетаки штука))))

"Notable Puerto Ricans of Irish descent

The following is a list of notable Puerto Ricans or people of Puerto Rican descent with Irish surnames. This list also includes people of Puerto Rican and Irish descent born in the United States and Irishmen/women who adopted Puerto Rico as their homeland as well.

Cuchi Coll, Isabel - journalist
Conboy, Miguel - Founder of the Puerto Rican tobacco trade
Dorough, Howie - Backstreet Boys member"

источник: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_immi … uerto_Rico



Home / A&E / Music G FORCE |
Pop with staying power

Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Britan Littrell, and A.J. McLean - a.k.a. the Backstreet Boys - release their seventh album, “This Is Us,’’ today. Filled with dance floor and bubble pop confections courtesy of hitmakers like RedOne, T-Pain, and old Swedish friend Max Martin, it’s the boy band’s best effort since its boffo ’90s heyday. On the eve of the album release we chatted with Dorough by phone from New York. “Hopefully,’’ he says, “this record will finally put a stamp in people’s minds that we’re sticking around.’’

Q. “This Is Us’’ is very uptempo and contemporary. Was that the mission statement?

A. We absolutely loved the last two records, but we noticed when taking the albums to the stage it didn’t really represent what the Backstreet Boys are known for, and that’s our signature pop melodies, R&B-influenced dance stuff, our “big show’’ kind of songs. So this time we made a conscious effort - because we still feel like we can dance onstage and we’re not 50 years old yet - to make a record that has some tempo to it.

Q. It’s been 15 years since you signed your contract with Jive. Did you think you’d still be doing this?

A. It’s kind of crazy. I think we’d always hoped and dreamed and I’m still hoping and dreaming it goes on for 15-plus more years. It’s one of those things where you just never know where life is going to take you and your career. And we’ve been able to ride this roller coaster on the fast pace as well as the slower pace, and I’m just very thankful we’re the last ones still standing.

Q. What do you know now that you wish you knew then?

A. I wish I would’ve known the music industry was going to turn and go south so far in the last five years (laughs.) I think we would’ve planned a little bit differently. But I think that everything happens for a reason and it makes us who we are.

Q. So are you saying you would’ve saved more of that lunchbox money?

A. Maybe my partners would’ve saved a little bit more. (Laughs.) I’m very lucky; at the height of everything I invested, invested, invested.

Q. Stocks? Real estate?

A. I did really well in real estate.

Q. In “I Want It That Way,’’ what exactly is “it’’?

A. (Laughs.) That’s what’s called getting a bunch of Swedish pop writers to write a smash hit song but unfortunately English is not their first language. So you definitely get lost in translation. I tried to make heads or tails out of it myself as well. We actually had a rewrite on the song by [producer] Mutt Lange with Max [Martin], and the song made so much sense, but it totally lost the feeling, so we went back to the original.

(с) http://www.boston.com/ae/music/articles … _have_pop/



Ну чтож, остается только сказать: УРА!!!



Мдяяяяяяяя  o.O Вообще-то ЭТО надобно постить в теме про 69 и чую я, что Никуша меня стукнет. Но пощу здесь!!!
Ховка-таки - шаааааааааааалууууууун. И правильно его Ник называет Stealth D. Т.е. Истребитель-невиДИмка.  :cool:
В этом тихом, робком и стеснительном омуте такие черти водятся...
Фрейд бы плакал, раскукожив эту картинку
(с)принтскринено с ЛД



почетно!!!! нехреновый компромат)))https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0000/29/0a/55596-4.gif



Ховка нафлудил очередное интервью.
И когда он всё успевает?
Interview with Howie
(с) Reuters
"The Backstreet Boys began as a group of wide-eyed teenagers but 16 years later, after battles with drug addiction and the loss of loved ones, believe their seventh album shows they have matured.

The Backstreet Boys, the first U.S. group launched by boy band mogul Lou Pearlman, started as a five-member band with a list of chart hits but is now a quartet.

The band took a break from 2002 but returned two years later, with a fifth album released in 2005, "Never Gone," then a sixth, "Unbreakable," in 2007 after singer Kevin Richardson left in 2006 which did not sell as well.

Howie Dorough, 36, said the band has high hopes for its new album "This Is Us" which will be backed up with a world tour starting at the end of October. Also in the band are A.J. McLean, who went into rehab in 2001 for alcohol and drug addiction, Nick Carter, and Brian Littrell.

Dorough spoke to Reuters about the band and new album:

Q: So it's not a comeback?

A: "That's right, we say don't call it a comeback. But I think this is going to be a record that people hear. Our last two were great but came after we took a break and there was a bit of a backlash. People needed a bit of a break from the Backstreet Boys. The last two records were a good rebuilding process and taken us to this point."

Q: It's been 17 years since you started out together. Have you all changed?

A: "No, time has not changed us but it has made us grow. We have grown into the adults we are now -- the fathers, the friends, the entertainers that we are now and the career minded people that we are. There have been bumps but everything has happened for a reason -- maybe apart from the loss of some loved ones -- and we have always tried to find a positive from it."

Q: Have these experiences over the years changed your music?

A: "It has affected our music. We have a lot more to write about now with the personal experiences that have happened along the way. We have also become more seasoned as entertainers. It has opened our eyes and our minds. We're no longer just entertainers but also businessmen and we are finding a healthy balance of career and families."

Q: You began as boys but have become men. Any plans to change the band's name?

A: "Boys to us has never been an age thing. If the Beastie Boys and the Beach Boys and Pet Shop Boys can stay boys, so can we."

Q: You all have other projects on the side of the band with solo records and you also co-manager other singers. Does that cause any conflict?

A: "For me I am into having my hands in a bunch of different things. I am a Leo and I love to be active and creative. We all came from individual backgrounds and we don't want to lose our identities so we allow ourselves to do other projects on the side. We all try to make sure the Backstreet Boys takes the main role."

Q: Your sister Caroline Dorough-Cochran died in 1998 of Lupus aged 37 and you set up a foundation to raise money for this.

A: "We all have always believed in giving things to the man above. I try to give back. We are so blessed as artists and entertainers and we should use our powers to raise awareness of things where we can.""

http://in.reuters.com/article/hollywood … mp;sp=true



Ховка, сЦуко, писатель  :D :

LD написал(а):

There is a series of a books called "Chicken Soup for the Soul" featuring a short stories. A book coming soon with the title "Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song" and Howie telling story behind "What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful)"
Songs tell a story, and now popular singers and songwriters are sharing more of the story! These artists reveal the inspiration, influence, and background, and when and why they wrote their most famous songs

Вот - сайт о книге: http://books.simonandschuster.com/Chick … 1935096405
И ссыль на Амазон, где мона сделать до 10-го ноября предзаказ: http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul … =8-1-spell



Backstreet Boy Howie D. Hocks his $2.5 Million Sunset Strip Home
Via Real Estalker, Howie Dorough, more commonly known as Howie D. of the recently reunited Backstreet Boys, has placed his Mid-Century Sunset Strip residence on the market for $2.475M. According to the listing, the 2,910 sq. foot home has 4 bedrooms (2 master suites), 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout, 3 fireplaces, walk-in closets, wrap-around decks with unimpeded views of downtown Los Angeles, an outdoor patio with a firepit, spa, and bar, and lastly secured parking for 9 people--fit for a popstar's entourage.

Фотки дома:

(с) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/2 … tml#s83280



ааааа там лялькина койка))))) прикольно блин...



Классное у Хауи гнездышко!  :cool:  ;)

Отредактировано ИРЭН (25-04-2010 23:05:48)


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