фанатки со стажем наверняка замечали индивидуальные особенности парней, по крайней мере одного "своего"! обсудим, что входит в привычки нашей любимой пятёрки. возможно, кое-что нас и раздражает))
Начну с Кевина.
Привычка во время пения часто касаться указательным пальцем носа - таак мило!)))
Постоянно жуёт жвачку, даж када поёт - бесит, но...сама такая)))) главное, чтоб не попала не в то горло)
когда нервничает - кусает губы (я тоже так - надо ему гигиеническую помаду подарить... бугага)
когда думает о чём-то серьёзном, например: над ответом на вопрос интервью - трёт большой палец о средний.
привычка смотреть на человека, который говорит, чтобы показать, что он внимательно слушает. иногда вывернет шейку, уставится на Хауи/Ника/Брая/Джея да так и сидит))))))))))
Сообщений 1 страница 20 из 30
Поделиться110-02-2007 20:02:53
Поделиться211-02-2007 00:01:01
Ой, действительно мило по поводу пальчика у носа - я замечала это
Ну... Тогда я продолжу про манеру пения парней:
Джей выдыхает буксу А в песнях так, что получается хрипящий звук... Для этого он ну оооочень широко раззевает рот Ну, кроме этого, конечно, знаменитые виляния задом перед аудиторией, "кидание" пальцев в камеру и танцы в стиле "мое пузо сексуально!"...
Брай, как все, наверняка, замечали, морщится при исполнении некоторых высоких нот, вскидывает руку и зачем-то сгибается пополам, приподнимая согнутую в колене ногу... Может, я чего-то не понимаю, но.. Это как-то помогает петь??
Хауи... Ну... Хауи - это что-то! Не знаю, как сейчас, но раньше его коронной была фраза "Спасибо! Меня зовут Хауи Ди!" до, после и во время исполнения песен
Поделиться311-02-2007 00:05:00
Картер домогается микрофонов и ударных установок! Кривит губы, делает гримасу напряжения на лице, когда поёт! Постоянно облизывает губы, когда нервничает! Так же любит покусывать губы, очень любит строить рожи и передразнивать ребят!
Поделиться411-02-2007 00:09:20
А еще Джей во время интервью, если сидит, постоянно дергает ногами, облизывает губы, а раньше еще ко всему этому и моргал часто-часто...
Поделиться511-02-2007 00:27:19
Джей остервенело ковыряет лак на ногтях - ну, это все знают))) Ник трясет ногами, ковыряет нос, грызет ногти, трет глаза. Кевин трогает бородку и ухо. Показательно в этом плане видео Hosted by Backstreet Boys (23-10-2005 - Go TV (Austria)) - я его обожааааааааю Если смотреть там только на их поведение, не слушая, о чем они говорят - уржаться)) такие все нервные)))))
Поделиться611-02-2007 00:29:48
Блин, точно, глаза трёт! Как же я могла забыть! Позор на мою седую голову! Увы мне, УВЫ МНЕ, Иван Василич... :sorry:
Поделиться711-02-2007 02:31:24
Кевин трогает бородку и ухо. Показательно в этом плане видео Hosted by Backstreet Boys (23-10-2005 - Go TV (Austria)) - я его обожааааааааю Если смотреть там только на их поведение, не слушая, о чем они говорят - уржаться)) такие все нервные)))))
дадададада!! 3000 раз даааааааа ржууууууууууууу
Поделиться811-02-2007 03:47:30
Карт постоянно чем-нить трясёт, что-нить трёт и де-нить ковыряется, а ещё частенько штаны, так, Типа незаметно)) подтягивает; Когда Карт поёт, частенько пальцами дёргает, а в B&B он гитару за сцену зашвыривал, меня это убило Ещё он частенько пережёвывает чё-нить (верблюдыш)) ), кого-нить хватает... или сам на кого-нить сигает, особенно он лю над фанатами нависать, а они его рады стараться облапывать)) Наверно Никчу это прёт
Брай раньше када пел, рукой дёргал в воздухе, это трудно описать, но думаю вы знаете о чём я, в NG, пасибки, он этого почти не делал Ещё Рок любит фанатам позировать, корча страшные рожы, а они его щёлк да щёлк, а мы потом с фот угораем.
Джей любит по сцене ходить в развалочку, мотыляя граблями во все стороны, частенько забирается на руки к бодигартам, иногда подходит к телохранителю и стучит легонько по его башке.
Отредактировано Nicole (11-02-2007 03:49:06)
Поделиться912-02-2007 17:28:53
Ещё Рок любит фанатам позировать, корча страшные рожы, а они его щёлк да щёлк, а мы потом с фот угораем.
Не страшные рожи, а миииииилые!))))
Ещё Никус любит трогать (и не только трогать) одно наше любимое место))))
Поделиться1015-02-2007 15:43:41
А еще что, кроме трогать?
Поделиться1115-02-2007 16:05:11
здравый вопрос, Ди!)) мне тож интереснооо
Поделиться1217-02-2007 10:56:55
стесняюсь сказать :gil:
Поделиться1319-02-2007 00:04:30
ааа!не могу!!! уржалась....
Поделиться1412-07-2007 23:40:23
дааа...верю вам на слово....
народ а где вы видио смотрите?
Поделиться1512-07-2007 23:45:21
а браен лубит подвывать, конечно во многих песнях это немешало бы, но не во всех же, да и джей не отстает.....)))
Поделиться1613-07-2007 10:18:44
Да все поп певцы любят подвывать
Поделиться1707-08-2007 02:38:32
557 Weird Facts about the BSB
1. They always seem to catch one of the boys in mid-lick when taking pictures of them
2. All the other guys are always lippin' the other's parts
3. Kevin is always givin' Nick that annoyed big brother look
4. Brian is always saying "hello" during performances
5. Nick gets so into it when he's singing
6. AJ always leaves his gloves on
7. Brian can never seem to finish a sentence while adlibbing during a song
8. Nick's always flashing the peace sign in pictures
9. Brian says the word "um" an average of 5 times in a single sentence
10. None of them got the name of the song "Anywhere For You" right in the home video
11. They always say in articles that Donna and Johnny Wright were NKOTB's managers too. (They weren't...Dick Scott was. Johnny was ROAD manager.)
12. Brian always looks like someone caught him doing something in pictures
13. AJ's head seems to be too heavy for him
14. Nick can never seem to get through a sentence without stumbling over 5 or 6 words first
15. AJ and Brian are always fighting for the song at the end. (i.e. "I'll Never Break Your Heart".)
16. Kevin talks awfully slow. ("Did...anybody...have...trouble...sleeping...?")
17. They all touch themselves a lot
18. Brian just kinda dances...he doesn't really get into it. But you still can't help but watch him
19. The little "pro-create" dance during "Quit Playing Games"
20. Howie's always givin' the "I'm a sexy man" look while he's dancing
21. AJ's hair issues seem to be getting worse and worse
22. There are so many pictures of Nick asleep
23. Brian seems to sing everything he says in some way, shape or form
24. Notice how much sexier Howie got with facial hair?
25. AJ never smiles in pictures
26. There are no words in the song "Nobody But You" except for "Nobody But You"
27. Brian's always grabbin' his head. Like he can't believe it
28. AJ just laughs for no apparent reason a lot
29. Howie's little salsa dance during Quit Playin' Games
30. Kevin never seems to be involved in the inside joke
31. Nick sticks his butt out a lot
32. AJ plays with the bottom of his shirt when he thinks the camera's not on him
33. Kevin bounces a lot when he dances
34. Brian's always messing with the cameraman
35. Nick always walks backwards when he sings
36. At the VMAs, Amanda Latona (AJ's gf) has a disposable camera
37. During the VMA performance, Nick shudders when that chick in the red dress rubs her ass against his crotch. Watch his face after "Am I sexual?" when he goes "yeah."
38. Brian closes his eyes when he sings....someone teach him how to sing with them open
39. AJ says "nasty stuff" a lot
40. Kevin doesn't seem to like it when anyone talks about Brian's surgery
41. AJ's adam's apple is always moving...it's weird
42. Nick and Brian are always messin' with each other
43. Brian likes to grab his chest a lot
44. Nick gives AJ this look of death after AJ makes fun of him on MTV Top 40 countdown
45. Nick has HUGE feet
46. Brian's always pointing....emphasis?
47. Howie's always interrupting Nick
48. Kevin's always messin' with his lip...the bottom one
49. AJ and Nick talk to each other through "Quit Playin Games"
50. Brian's always making faces
51. Howie's got some overactive sweat glands
52. Brian sits on a stool like a little boy...both legs up
53. AJ grabs his crotch and his nose on SNL after they sang ALAYLM
54. AJ says "damn" a lot...watchin that mouth maybe?
55. Nick's always stickin' his face in the camera
56. Brian will just inadvertently stick a "baby" in a song for no apparent reason
57. Nick's hair is everywhere...at all times...he needs a headband or something
58. The others are always grabbin' Nick's head and shakin' it
59. The conversations that happen in between songs (and during songs) while performing. What the hell could you possibly be talkin' about?
60. Kevin sounds like a hick when he says "Now all I ask" in INBYH.
61. Brian had Tyk in his lap on Rosie (the second show)
62. Nick's always messin' with his headset
63. That line in Get Down "I feel in heaven" sounds like "I feel like Kevin."
64. Nick has really small teeth...wonder if he's got problems chewing food
65. They groove to absolutely NO MUSIC during "Just To Be Close To You"
66. Brian goes "What's up?" in that high-pitched voice all the time
67. Nick always says "A group called" before he says he likes Journey...as if they've never been heard of before
68. HEY YA KNOW WHAT???? THEY ARE NORMAL PEOPLE!!!! As they state in every damn sentence out of their mouths...
69. One more thing....they are not a "Boy Band"...they are a "Vocal Harmony Group"....in case you were confused
70. Nick purses his lips a lot...when he's tryin to be REALLY sincere or he finishes a sentence
71. AJ likes to enunciate when he sings
72. Brian looks like Drew from 98 Degrees when he wears a black hat backwards
73. Howie always calls Nick "Nicky"
74. Nick says "exactly" about 30 times during FANatic
75. They never pay attention when someone else is talking
76. AJ doesn't sing the second verse of "Everybody" anymore...he screams it
77. Howie always points at the camera
78. Brian had his fingers crossed at the American Music Awards
79. They tap each other's shoulders during that one move in "Get Down"
80. Kevin talks out of the side of his mouth
81. Howie and Nick are the only ones that do the jumping jacks in "Get Down"
82. Nick hit a tree during that American Music Awards skit...LMGDMFAO
83. AJ punches Brian during the dance for ALAYLM
84. Brian rubs his ears after they played "Tearin Up My Heart" on Total Request Live. (I think his ears were bleeding)
85. Nick's got cute feet
86. Nick and Brian call each other "Frick" and "Frack" in high pitched voices
87. Brian was makin fun of Carson in the background on Backstreet TV
88. Howie pulls a "WHODAMAN" an average of 10 times in one song
89. Brian is constantly catching crap in concert
90. In "If You Want It To Be Good Girl" AJ moans in the background "Go Nicky".....
91. When Nick laughs....he looks like he may puke
92. Kevin wears that damn PHAT FARM shirt EVERYWHERE
93. During interviews if Nick doesn't understand the question or he can't figure out what's goin' on....he looks at Brian. Apparently Brian is translator man
94. Whenever Kevin waves...he flashes the peace sign right after it
95. Nick seemed to like the feel of his pants on Regis and Kathie Lee
96. Kevin's ear...I think it's the left one...is double pierced
97. Brian will put the word "most" before anything he's describing. "My MOST favorite..." "One of the MOST craziest...."
98. Nick runs like a girl
99. Nick and Brian finish each other's sentences in "Anywhere For You"
100. Howie always gets to tell the story of how they got together...and if you pay close attention, it's word for word
101. They are always messin with their headsets or holding onto them while they sing? Isn't the whole POINT of a headset is so you don't have to WORRY about that?
102. When Kevin freestyle dances.....always the same thing.
103. If you look closely...in the US version of INBYH...they are all wearing the same see-through shirt underneath their other shirts. Yes, Brian is too....even though you can barely see it.
104. 10 to 1....if there's a picture of Tyke and Brian....Brian's got on the condom hat.
105. AJ's always repeating himself and muttering under his breath.
106. Whenever Kevin or Howie get their own parts to sing in songs, they always look SO proud
107. Every time they sing ALAYLM, when Brian sings, "run," he always has to do a little run dance to demonstrate
108. On the cover of the new video....look at Brian...he's laughin his ass off.
109. Brian raises his leg sometimes when he sings. (Been hangin round that damn dog too long.)
110. Howie's voice has gotten deeper.. must be the facial hair
111. All the guys make up new words..you would think that there are enough words in the English language already
112. Since Howie was linked with Foxy Brown, he has emerged as the group's new sex symbol
113. Brian is getting quieter and quieter in interviews
114. Once AJ decided on a hair color, he switched his obsession to wearing extremely ugly hats
115. Nick likes to shake his butt for the camera
116. Nick always introduces Tim as his "Main Man" (RAINMAN!!!)
117. During "Let's Have a Party" Nick will talk most of his part instead of singing it
118. That Kevin is a good dancer when it comes down to doing choreographed dances, but when it comes to freestyle, he's as stiff as a board
119. Kevin has a thing for pant rolls
120. When Kevin is answering a question, he never really answers it, but gives you what he thinks you should know instead
121. AJ no longer sings in concerts...he screams
122. AJ tends to mumble when others are talking or being interviewed
123. AJ is always telling us that "I'm not really a bad boy, but I try to be"
124. All the BSB have little dogs (makes ya wonder if they're afraid of big ones)
125. When they changed management teams...they became men
126. It's almost impossible to find a picture where they all look good
127. Kevin has the ability to forget simple words like tonsils...he'd prefer to call it "the thing" instead
128. Brian always has some trivia to share about the video shoots
129. Lou Pearlman is never mentioned as the 6th Backstreet Boy...I guess he's the secret 'NSYNCer now
130. Kevin is always the first to kiss someone on award shows
131. Nick turned into a man when we weren't looking
132. Nick is the only BSB without his ear pierced
133. Brian enjoys jumping at the camera
134. Howie always looks so neat and tidy
135. Their shoes ALWAYS look brand new
136. Brian is the only one without a major hair change.
137. Brian tripped on the VMA's before the somersaults over the dancers.
138. On Millennium.....Transcon is not on it ANYWHERE...no label...nothing....hmmmmmmmmmm
139. On the Tony Bennett special, AJ's coat is WAY too long for him...it's dragging on the floor the whole time.
140. In Howie's thank you's, Pollyanna's name got spelled wrong...it's spelled Polyanna
141. Nick gets all the fun stuff to sing....what, is he the only one allowed to sing the word "Sexual" or any variation of it?
142. If you watch BSBTV...the one MTV played the day that Millennium was released...after that girl asks them what they do when they get lonely. Carson says "Spectra Vision" and Nick and Kevin both die laughing. Now watch Nick....he laughs like a girl, says "No" twice into the microphone and then leans towards Brian....he either says "That was some funny shit" or "That was some funny ass shit." YOU MEAN HE SWORE!?!??! Oh, the world has ended.
143. Brian has suddenly become mute...he'll just nod all the time now "Ya...what he said."
144. Kevin will stare off into space while he's singing...like he's SOOOOOOO moved by the song, that's all he's thinkin about.
145. Watch AJ when he sings on a stool....one finger's out...pointing....then he pulls back quick....then does it again.
146. Howie will announce onstage that they are the Backstreet Boys an average of 40 times (ok, so maybe that's stretchin it a bit....hey Howie dear...WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!)
147. In pictures....Brian is always tipped over...like leaning towards one side. Someone needs a V-8.
148. On Millennium, Brian sings some part of every song except for "I Need You Tonight" and "No One Else Comes Close"....HE'S TAKING OVER THE WORLD PEOPLE!!! LMAO
149. Nick gets REALLY into it when he dances.
150. Nick always seems to be the one that gets to thank the fans.
151. If they go somewhere and have to get out of a car in front of screaming fans....two to one Nick is thrown out first as "bait" so that everyone else can get out safely
152. Howie always seems to end up standing next to Nick in pictures. . .WHY?? It just makes him look shorter!
153. Nick's always puckering up and trying to kiss the camera
154. Kevin is now deaf. No matter WHAT he's being asked or told, he asks the person to repeat it. LISTEN THE FIRST TIME MAN
155. Doesn't matter how freakin' hot it is or what he's doing...Nick is ALWAYS in layers
156. Those football pad things they wear in concert. . .they kinda make them look like Kevin on Daria
157. During INBYH on the Disney special, AJ starts out sitting next to Kevin...then he gets up and moves down next to Brian...what happened...did Kevin smell bad or something?
158. All the guys look to Brian when they sing a cappella...before and during the song...like he's the choir director or somethin
159. They all have hair issues lately....Howie and his fro, Nick and the braids, Kevin and his just-out-of-bed hair, Brian's need for a trim, and AJ...well...AJ's hair...'nuff said.
160. Brian's always smiling or ready to bust out laughing after Nick says "am I sexual?" like he's goin' "PFFFFT HA HA HA sure Nick."
161. There is TONS of 'N Sync crap in stores lately and like a Backstreet pen and that's it.
162. Brian and Nick are kick-ass b-ball players.
163. Some backup dancer ALWAYS drops the friggin hat during the dance for "All I Have To Give"...c'mon guys, watch the Boys...they do it RIGHT.
164. It kinda SUCKS having all those backup dancers in the way when you're trying to watch your favorite boy shake his groove thang.
165. There's all these reviews of Millennium saying "I hated the Backstreet Boys...until I heard this album...."
166. You get all excited when some new pictures of the boys come out because you've seen all the rest like EIGHTY times
167. Brian smiles at everything
168. They never knew what a "Boy Band" was till they went overseas...
169. The longer Brian and Nick played basketball on Disney, the more people showed up.
170. Kevin stares at the person talking like he's in a trance
171. Nick always points things out to Kevin
172. Howie no longer brushes his hair
173. AJ keeps finding the weirdest crap to wear
174. Whenever asked what their most embarrassing moments are......they change. Do these happen to them often enough to change from day to day? Or is inconsistency a problem here......cuz so far I've heard Nick mention, forgetting the words, ripping his pants, falling OFF the stage and getting his pants yanked down in the middle of a concert....so which one is it?
175. Howie's WHOLE face is surrounded with a circle of hair...that is weird
176. When asked about their pet peeves about each other, they ALWAYS say, "We're like brothers, we know how to push each other's buttons." ALWAYS.
177. Brian is always shushing Nick. Don't tell them about the concert...don't tell them about bowling later. Apparently these are secret-worthy things to Brian.
178. If you stand Brian next to Nick or Kevin....WOW, he looks REALLY short.
179. That piece of hair on Nick during the Sears photo shoot. Am I the only one that wants to smooth it down?
180. Nick took a digger on the Sears commercial. When they come around that corner and you see Brian slide.....Nick goes DOWN baby!
181. You can REALLY see the red eye shadow on AJ
182. Fans are always in this hypnotic stare on TV when they are in the studio while the Boys are singing
183. Brian's always making weird faces
184. Kevin has a dorky smile and crinkles his nose when he laughs
185. When asked to read off a cue card....Nick has SUCH a hard time with that
186. There is on prominent voice in every chorus. (i.e.: You can hear Nick over everyone else in IWITW....Brian over everyone else in The One)
187. What's the deal with takin pics of Nick with his hand in his hair?
188. In the tape ANOWTBSB after the note AJ hits in AIHTG, Kevin gives him the nastiest look
189. Why do they always call Howie "D"?...his name starts with an H
190. When say, Kevin sings, we're like la la la, but when Brian sings, it's like DAYUM, you ok?
191. What's with Nick and the samurai look? The hair in the ponytail, the outfit at the VMA's...next thing, he'll SHAVE the rest of that hair and JUST have the ponytail.
192. Brian's face on the VMA's when Kevin said they brought girlfriends
193. Nick won't answer girlfriend questions or 'NSync questions
194. During AIHTG Nick has the hardest time putting his hat back on
195. There is a part on "Back To Your Heart" when AJ and Brian are bustin out at the end. You can hear singing in the background. What do they say?
"These arms of mine are open wide
From now until they end of time
You are my world what can I do?
This heart of mine belongs to you"
196. When Nick sings "Anywhere For You" he looks like he may puke or hock up a fur ball
197. "Show Me The Meaning" and "The One" both have the line "wild and free" in them. "There you are WILD AND FREE" and "WILD AND FREE I could feel the sun"
198. Why does Nick make fish faces when he says certain words? Observe him saying the words "two worlds" in IWITW's video. Is he just puckering to torture us, or does he actually have to do that to say the word right?
199. Does Nick's favorite video game change every five seconds? One day it's Kid Nikki, the next it's Mario Kart, the next it's some football game. Get it straight
200. When asked a question...all of them look at Kevin first
201. While they are dancing...Kevin is always up in AJ's face.
202. Howie always shakes his head during As Long As You Love Me. We don't know why...they don't say no during that song.
203. They all have a certain way of dancing. Kevin has already been established (We know he's counting), Howie is trying to make sure he doesn't mess anything up while making the facial expressions as well (Gotta have both...or else it's just not right), Brian and AJ just kinda do it....Brian sometimes scares us....cuz he doesn't seem to be paying attention, yet none of us have seen him screw up a move, and Nick....this kid just goes for it...hair's all over, arms are flailing...we're suprised he hasn't hit someone yet. And you know he's goin YA YA YA while he's dancing....gotta pump yourself up right?
204. When AJ has his hair blond, he never has the roots done
205. Kevin looks like Bert from Sesame Street (it's the eyebrows)
206. Nick looks like Malibu Ken
207. Brian could pass for the next Mikey on Life cereal
208. Howie looks like he is about to say something on the Sears poster
209. In the AIHTG Conversation Mix, it sounds like Howie says he wants mashed potatoes like eight times
210. In concert...Nick sticks his microphone in everyone's face.
211. Howie looks stiff when he dances.
212. Nick pats his chest an average of 12 times in one song.
213. During the opening march on the tour....when they stand there at the beginning. They are trying SO hard not to laugh.
214. AJ flying over the crowd during QPG...in EVERY picture we see of that, he's upside down with his legs spread eagle. Is that for balance or does he just like his legs open?
215. They sing Kung Fu Fighting and Respect during the dancer intros in concert.
216. For y'all who don't know....Howie is introducing the dancers and his band members during his rap.
217. AJ's moving to every state in the US for all the "beautiful ladies in the house tonight."
218. No matter what, Kevin always has a free hand to sing or to do whatever (itch)... for instance.. Denver--October 31, 1999 --a dislocated shoulder still gave him one free hand.
219. Howie always talks about how great everyone has been and blah blah blah wherever they go.
220. AJ's pants in IWITW look like MC Hammer pants.. it's no longer Hammer time people... It's Mclean time
221. Nick walks like a (limpin) pimp
222. On TRL, they always choose the most annoying person to do the shout outs
223. TRL cuts off the #1 video so we don't see it all the way through. The reason its #1 people is so we CAN WATCH THE WHOLE DAMN VIDEO!
224. When people say "I know my Backstreet, I'm their biggest fan" They seem to get the answer WRONG.. hahaha FOOLS!
225. When Kevin talks into a mic, he gets really close to it and looks like hes about to suck it in
226. Everyone always says that Kevin is the old one in the group.. but Howie's only a year younger than him... doesn't that make Howie kinda old too?
227. That AJ has chicken legs
228. Maybe Howie should have tried out for the voice in Stuart Little...
229. Nick is constantly tapping the others' shoulders during the show.
230. During that photo shoot when the light fell...it almost hit Brian, and dude, he didn't even flinch.
231. When Nick and Kevin laugh, they bend over and hold their stomachs. Might wanna check your shoes...
232. Every city Howie's in "Has it goin on tonight."
233. No matter WHERE they go...or what they're doing...ONE of the boys is always messin with another one
234. How many copies of ONE BSB picture get printed in 30 different teeny bopper magazines??? (ya know....cuz one is just NEVER enough....geez)
235. Even if their outfits are different styles, at least 2 of the 5 boys has matching shoes....and the other 3 have matching shoes, but a different kind (easy confusion....backstage Brian accidentally grabs Nick's size 12s...talk about trippin over your own two feet...LMAO)
236. In most group pics....Nick and Kevin are on either end, or Nick is next to Brian
237. How bored the Boys are with these press conferences.....either Nick is doodling on a napkin, AJ is fallin asleep behind his sunglasses.....or two of the Boys are talkin quietly to themselves.....
238. Brian and Howie have announced they are afraid of heights...then what the HELL are they doin on those ropes in concerts? Howie's doin all kinds of crazy flips...and when they first come out, Brian is leaning OVER his boogie board...WTF?
239. With all the new pictures comin' out....and even some of the old ones.....how many of them do you find with at least one Boy pullin a Whodaman? Scary stuff there....
240. How EASY it is to find a Backstreet Boy when 1. you're not LOOKing for one or 2. you look/feel like crap.....it figures
241. How much fun these Boys have when they do stuff together....whether it's caught on national television or not......oooohh to be on that bus with them for a few hours, or even in a hotel room.....LOL
242. Kevin is always the one to show us the food.. or is eating during videos
243. Brian is always the one to give us the useless facts.. like...how a blimp works...or the technical details of make-up
244. On the 2nd FANatic, Nick kinda picks inside his left ear and rolls "something". Ewww
245. A.J. rarely wears regular old jeans
246. In photo shoot pictures, four of them will be serious while one has a huge grin on his face, or vice versa
247. Brian chews gum at the most inappropriate times
248. Brian is always runnin into people in the restroom.. LL Cool J, Sergeant Cooper.. and having actual conversations.. makes ya wonder how much time Brian spends chillin in the bathroom...
249. The boys have this thing with "he ain't lying".. wonder what that started from..
250. Howie and Nick have real conversations over stupid pointless crap...like...OPP
251. Howie mentions Phillip Bailey in every damn interview
252. When Kevin sings, he ALWAYS arches his brows...
253. Howie will always come up with random stuff (Janet's birthday, Tyson's first video) Makes you wanna go "Why the hell did he just have to tell us that??"
254. Brian has this thing with mentioning how tall people are...Brian McKnight, LL Cool J, Nick...self-conscious buddy?
255. Kevin's first reaction when around a camera is to flash a peace sign
256. Howie is always the one to refer to Nick as Nicky...and its damn cute
257. During the "You aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrreeeeee...." part of "I Want It That Way" in concert they stick in the name of the city they are in. At least they did in Detroit and Denver....apparently if you live in a city with more than two syllables you are SOL.
258. Nick wears orange a lot.
259. During "Get Down" AJ or Brian will always say "Nick" before he's about to sing his first verse...as if to tell him not to forget it's his turn to sing.
260. They always say "I've got one thing left to say..." followed by a paragraph.
261. Nick has a tendency to crack himself up.
262. AJ's fly is down and you can see his boxers on the cover of the Into The Millennium tourbook
263. In almost every interview Brian will mention that being a BSB is not your everyday job. (No way!)?
264. In ANOWTBSB, A.J. and Brian look at each other whenever they're singing
265. In any song where they're all sitting down, Brian is the last to get up
266. In any song where they're sitting down, Kevin looks at the person singing and will even lean over to watch them sing
267. Kevin emphasizes things in a really cute way (ANOWTBSB "Ting Ting Triangles" and in the Backstreet's Back Behind the Scenes Vid, he says "suave" all kinda proud like)
268. Nick and Bri are always together and A.J. and Howie are together, which leaves Kevin by himself
269. How proud Howie looks when he reached that high note in his solo MHSWY? and how he always has his shirt open when he sings it?
270. Besides getting all the SEXUAL lines, Nick ALWAYS gets the CRAZY line
*baby is the way you make me kinda get me go CRAZY*
*somebody told me that I've LOST MY MIND*
*I never thought that I would LOSE MY MIND, that I could control this*
So what they trying to tell us? That Nick is a crazed sex freak?
271. Kevin points, makes a circle with his finger and tilts his head....all the time.
272. Nick's always got his finger in his eye.
273. The dance to The One....k, that just us or is that dance GAY AS HELL!?!??!
274. Howie pulls his pants up before he goes to hit the ball during golf. Apparently pulling your pants up is a big strategy move.
275. While singing, Nick will suddenly point...for no reason.
276. Brian's not so quick to show off his undies anymore.
277. During the basketball game in Germany, Nick will NOT leave his shorts alone.
278. Kevin wants to see everyone's hands in the air...ALL THE TIME.
279. Kevin steps on AJ's foot on the Pay Per View when Nick is having his little conversation with "Mike".
280. Whenever something stupid or smart assed is said...you will inevitably hear Nick say "It wasn't me."
281. Kevin seems annoyed by AJ's South Park impressions.
282. They laugh every time someone starts out talking to them with "Oh my God."
283. In Show Me The Meaning... at Nick's part when he is walking along, he does this INCREDIBLY SEXY eyebrow raise
284. When they are being interviewed or in a press conference, Nick's always looking down.
285. Kevin and AJ are both wearing those power bead bracelets now
286. Howie always seems quick to strip.. his mother wouldn't approve
287. All the guys answer Nick with a LOUD "yeahhhhhhhhhhh" when he asks "Am I sexual?"
288. Brian kinda does look like a werewolf...especially when he grows his sideburns
289. Kevin looks high in a lot of interviews
290. At the beginning of the Everybody video..everyone is yelling at the driver.. except Kevin.. he's just staring around at like nothing
291. How cute AJ and his Mom are
292. Nick's "messed up" hair in the As Long as You Love Me video is VERY similar to his "style" at the Billboard awards
293. Brian remembers all the dates: The day Kevin called him (April at 2:30:47pm)...first day of their first tour...ANYTHING...he could really come in handy during some exams
294. Kevin always says Prince is his favorite artist.. does this mean he doesn't like anything "Prince" has done under his other blah blah blah name?
295. Kev will say "wassup?!" for absolutely no reason
296. Nick never talks about his beanie babies anymore.
297. In almost every picture you see of AJ with a fan, he has his eyebrows raised
298. A lot of people have met really good friends through a love for the boys and their music...awwww
299. Whenever Kevin sings in a song, the music always slows down so he could take his time to sing all of it.
300. Nick has taken to wearing bandanas lately...apparently he hasn't read this page.
301. Everybody always looks at Kevin to talk when they are asked a question.
302. Howie always seems to be leaning.
303. They've all got that "bad boy" "wanna start a fight" look on their faces on the Millennium picture that they are walking towards the camera... EXCEPT Howie...he is just like "yea"
304. At the end of "I Need You Tonight" Nick sounds REALLY manly...like his voice gets all deep all of a sudden...it's nice
305. During Brian's solo on the PPV, he trips and every time the crowd sings "That's What She Said" and gets this big cheesy smile on his face like "They are singing my song"
306. When you watch the PPV on TV and not on the tape, you get pissed off cause you can't fast forward through Kevin's solo.
307. Kevin and AJ sound really good singing together.
308. The background of Back To Your Heart is REALLY pretty.
309. Nick kicks his feet A LOT when he really gets into a song.
310. AJ cannot sit still.
311. Sisqo and AJ could be trading hair secrets
312. AJ likes to show his nipples a lot
313. When they are sitting on a couch....Brian and Howie get the back and AJ, Kevin and Nick get the cushion. And Nick is always between Kevin and AJ.
314. Speaking of couches...Kevin's arm is always extended behind Nick's head. Aiming device for when Nick speaks up maybe?
315. Nick is always answering a question with a question..."Mandy Moore, Britney, or Christina?"
"WHY?" or
"Who in the group will go solo first?"
"Umm, who did they say?"
316. During the "praying" part of WGIGO...Brian is closing his eyes.
317. When Nick wears t-shirts...he wears like 12 at once.
318. AJ sings Brian's part during BTYH..at the end when they are bustin out. Brian usually sings "Help me find a way...back to your heart"...but in concert AJ sings it.
319. Howie and Kevin both have very nice skin texture.
320. Kevin's goatee isn't in the middle of his chin
321. Howie is the only one of the boys who never says "y'all"
322. With the white gloves the boys wear during "Everbody/That's the Way I Like It/We've Got it Goin' On'", they look kinda like Mickey Mouse
323. Brian says "ya know" an average of 5 times in a sentence
324. Nick seemed REALLY happy and laidback while performing with Elton at the Grammys
325. AJ is a tease
326. On the ANOWTBSB video, the part with Howie and Kevin talking about the solo section, I always die laughing when Howie mentions that he played the tambourine. Kevin says "Hell yeah" and Howie covers his mouth like he said something bad.
327. On BSBTV on MTV when the album was released, the Boys sang IWITW...when Howie goes to sing his part, AJ starts making fun of him. He puts his hands out like Howie does in the vid, then he stops, hits Brian, Brian looks, AJ does it again, and they both start laughing.
328. Same TV show as above, after Nick does his "DON'T WANNA HEAR YOU SAY-AY-AY-YEAH-A-A-A" thingamabob, they sing the chorus...watch Brian closely. He sings his adlib...then starts singing, "...ain't nothin but a..." Instead of "mistake" he says "bis-stake!" He looks up and makes a face like, "Oops...did anyone hear that???"
329. Brian kinda looks like a cat
330. If you hadn't been told 80 times, you would never know Brian and Kevin were cousins
331. Did you ever notice that when Brian and Leighanne go out somewhere that they match? It's adorable as all get up. . . but kinda freaky. I can see 'em before they go out:
Leighanne: Bri, I'm gonna wear the black and gray dress, ok?
Brian: Ok baby, I gotta go run out and get a grey shirt now, gotta match you!
Does this mean that Brian's tux is gonna be white at the wedding? LoL
332. During the song with Sting, Howie and Nick both start clapping their hands toward the end. . .but they're clapping at different times. . .someone's off beat.
333. Kevin is ALWAYS wearing flip flops
334. When AJ does that long "Ahhhhhhh" part in Back To Your Heart, it sounds like he is screaming into a pillow?
335. Nick hair doesn't have any volume or body .. wonder if stylists have a problem with that
336. When they pass each other on stage they go "Hey/Sup"
337. Nick likes to harass the band during performances
338. Nick's voice can get nasal
339. Howie usually finds a way to stick the title of their songs into sentences (Hey, you've got it going on and we are gonna give you all we have to give)
340. Whenever they are dancing, Brian is always the last one to get into it... but always falls right into step
341. Once Kevin starts getting it right with the hair, he seems to mess it up... real bad
342. During ALAYLM on the Disney concert, Nick taps Kevin on the shoulder when Kevin goes up to sing his line with Brian. . . Kevin just gives him this look like "What the hell?!?! Leave me alone...I'm trying to SING!!"
343. AJ had to behave himself since it was a Disney special. . .BUT during QPG while Nick is singing his verse, you get a quick glimpse of AJ lifting up his shirt in the background. . .I KNEW he couldn't control himself for a full hour. . .
344. When Nick and Brian go to play basketball, Brian uses the phrase "and stuff like that". . . proof he's been hanging out with Howie for too long. . .
345. Nick's "ghetto" accent comes and goes, depending on who he's talking to and what he's talking about
346. AJ rips the sleeves off EVERYTHING just so he can show off his tattoos
347. Both AJ and Nick's father's names are BOB
348. Kevin will put the mic up to his face, not talk, and then just put it back down
349. All the boys say "Wow" a lot
350. Nick finds a way to fit Nirvana into most interviews/appearances
351. Brian kept making funny faces and little noises while Carson was talking on BSB Live
352. If Brian doesn't talk during an interview, neither will Nick...they will both just sit back and stare and occasionally talk to each other.
353. No one can resist grooving/singing along to "I Want It That Way"
354. AJ will start dancing to anything, anytime
355. Nick either makes quick one word answers or goes on forever and makes no sense
356. Brian likes to tease Nick about his basketball skills
357. Nick gets embarrassed when he has to watch himself
358. Brian is imitating his fan on BSB Live when Carson is talking to her
359. Kevin's always the one to mention Fatima
360. When the boys watch videos/clips of their fans, they are either cracking up or have a look of fear
361. If anyone mentions a song in front of Brian...he will sing you part of it
362. Kevin likes to wear motorcycle jackets...the ones without any collars
363. AJ is always the one to mention that Kevin and Brian wrote songs on Millennium
364. There is more than one stadium in the opening sequence of "The One" video
365. AJ is the one to usually refer to Brian as "B-Rok"
366. Kevin's always telling the fans to calm down and SHHHHHHHHHHHH
367. The dance to "Hey Mr. DJ" is really retarded...
368. Brian always worries about the fans' parents... what a considerate guy!
369. Kevin likes to explain everything.. VERY thoroughly
370. Nick is WAY too into the commercial for Budweiser
371. On Backstreet Boys' Favorite Videos, when Brian is "pretending" to be the camera (the second time) he has both his arms up. Right as they cut to the next video or commercial, A.J. comes up behind him and starts tickling him
372. Kevin's reaction when Carson started singing Quit Playin Games...
373. Whenever Kevin sings his solo part in "I Want It That Way," he looks like he's bored or about to fall asleep.
374. No matter how many times you've been to the official site and heard that music...it'll still scare the hell outta you when it starts
375. Kevin REALLY likes chilli
376. Brian's usually the first to speak at Award Shows
377. Nick and Brian are usually the ones dressed different from the rest of the boys.. but not technically matching...
378. Nick likes to point at the camera a lot..
379. Whenever they are asked what bugs them about each other they ALWAYS say "We know what buttons to push." That wasn't the question...but thanks
380. Howie's favorite color is purple and he winks a lot....and the Teletubby WINKY is purple.
381. During "Everybody," there is this part where AJ is like doin this weird move and he says something...it sounds like "shove your duckie down"
382. AJ turns to one of the Dancers at one point and he says "want a lifesaver?"
383. Nick will START explaining something one way..then stop mid-sentence and begin a WHOLE new explanation.
384. Nick forgets stuff a lot..
385. Howie likes to relate everything together ( Six Degrees of BACKSTREET BOYS!!)
386. Everyone makes fun of AJ
387. Brian has these outbursts where he says the funniest, most random things
388. Everyone says AJ is such a rebel.. but he really isn't.. at all...
389. Everyone who has worked the boys always says that they were so *surprised* by how great the boys were.
390. When you ask Brian something he will give you this LONG explanation/history that he feels you need to know before he even gets close to giving you the answer
391. Brian has the FUNNIEST cackle
392. Nick has SUCH emotion while singing .. FEEL the pain
393. AJ likes to talk in all these accents (doesn't mean he is that good at it)
394. That the "Na na na na naaaa" part in "Boys Will Be Boys" is REALLY stupid.
395. Whoever the genius was that came up with the lottery system should be drug out to the street and shot.
396. Private and backstage when learning the dance for TTWILI...they zoom in on Nick's crotch.
397. When Nick is bored...he either draws or fidgets
398. Whenever there's a camera around...Howie's eyes get real big
399. The beginning of "10,000 Promises" and "Who Do You Love?" sound almost *exactly* the same!
400. The first SNL that BSB were on, when there were singing QPG, towards the very end, when the guys step away from the mike stands, Brian is the only one whose mike was stuck in the stand and he couldn't get it out.
401. During the "Everybody" video in the opening sequence in the overhead shot two dancers trip over each other and try to catch up with everyone else.
402. Nick's hair is magic, it goes from soaking wet to almost completely dry in a matter of seconds
403. In the I Want It That Way Video, when they enter the airport, they're walking in through the exit.
404. Brian loves to use the word "emulate"
405. Howie never says "Oh my God"...it's always "Oh my goodness!"
406. Nick likes to stick his face into the camera at the last minute and mumble some weird crap
407. Cameras always seem to close up on weird stuff...like their ear...or hand
408. Howie answers in complete sentences "What did you eat Howie?" "This morning I, Howie D, ate eggs and bacon, and had some orange juice, Thank you for asking"
409. AJ's first reaction around a Microphone is to scream or cackle into it
410. Howie talks about the group as if he weren't a member of them
411. Nick's always staring at Howie intensely whenever he is talking or doing something... whats the fascination? or is he just trying to annoy the crap outta Howie?
412. AJ is always saying Howie D...come to think of it he's usually the one to call everyone by their nicknames..
413. Kevin has this look that's just like totally blank, no emotion, no nothing.....
414. During interviews, Nick either sits with a smile and a blank look on his face or avoids looking at anyone.
415. Lately Nicks being a real smartass.
416. Brian never looks too excited while he's presenting an award
417. AJ likes to mess around with all the props and equipment...one day he's gonna get electrocuted.
418. Nick swings his arms real wide when he walks...he may hit someone soon.
419. Even at 5 am video shoots Howie is smiling... DEAR LORD I'd shoot him.
420. Howie always seems to be leaning
421. Nick's mouth is always hanging open
422. Brian wears a jacket everywhere
423. Nick takes HUGE breaths before he sings...good God boy
424. That middle stage thing moves....rather unsteadily...when all the boys are on it.
425. Ok....while Kevin's giving the tour of the "underworld" he goes "We got fans in here......" and then a couple seconds later goes "In case we're sweating." My first thought was....YOU HAVE FANS IN THERE?!??! WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR THAT?!??
426. Nick's armband tattoo is REALLY sexy
427. The moaning that happens during the live version of DWYB
428. While they are doing the "cheer" before the show....NONE of the Boys are doing it....they are all just lookin at everyone like....k, let's get it goin.
429. Nick is gettin INTO that drum playing during BTYH...facial expressions are REALLY nice
430. Brian likes to tease the crowd. During AIHTG he takes off his hat like he's gonna throw it. IT'S NOT FUNNY BRIAN!!!!
431. Swear to God Howie's asleep while Brian is talking about the different sound of the Boys on the BK Video
432. The IWITW in the BK video where they are onstage singin it sounds ALOT like the IWITW they recorded for the video in concert
433. None of them flinch anymore when sprayed with silly string...makes you wonder how many times that's been done by now
434. There's enough whoppers on that table to feed them and a few hundred fans waiting outside.
435. AJ always likes to talk about "what the heck" they're doing
436. Nick peeking under the table when the 2 actors were fooling around. . .like he wasn't sure what they'd want to do under there
437. Brian is the only one lately who seems able to brush his hair
438. During John Norris's news report....the audience was laughing. What the hell were they laughin at?
439. When AJ's not on stage....he dances like a geek
440. Brian is constantly moving his mouth.
441. Nick bends over to put his hand in his pocket.
442. When AJ sings with sunglasses on....it looks like he's just like....off in his own world.
443. Kevin has a scar under his right eye
444. Howie took one of his earrings out
445. AJ sings the last few lines of almost every song
446. Brian always says "YOU sing it" in the middle of songs. (No buddy YOU sing it. Thats what I paid good money to see)
447. The breath of relief each of them has after they are brought down during the QPG flying part
448. Brian will repeat the question after he's already been asked it.
449. Nick is always tapping AJ for him to watch
450. Brian looks like Abe Lincoln with a side profile
451. When they all run around the stage during LTL....Nick is like running a marathon....while Kevin's skipping.
452. When Nick's hair was long, it was always in his face, made you wanna buy him a headband
453. AJ will take his hat off in the middle of a show and have no hat head. How is that possible?
454. Howie's resembles a homeless man (it's the new look)
455. Kevin looks like John Lennon.
456. When the Boys are talking to Brian McFayden during BSB Over Broadway.....Kevin and Brian are fighting over the mic. Neither one of them wants to hold it. Kevin tries to hand it to Brian, and Brian's like "uh uh".
457. During BSB Over Broadway, you catch a glimpse of Nick trying to take AJ's hat off. His reason? The fans are provoking him. You can hear them,"Take his hat off Nick! Do it!"
458. AJ's neck is squishy....
459. When Nick is talkin about Aaron on Rosie....AJ's behind him makin fun of Aaron getting emotional.
460. Singing with your eyes closed has passed from Brian onto Nick
461. In the Burger King video... watch A.J. during "I Want It That Way". After Brian walks by him with the two basketballs, A.J. bends down and picks up something that appears to be girl's underwear and laughing, shows it to their band! As if that's not enough, I guess he sets it down on the steps of the stage and it stays there 'till the end!
462. Each time BSB comes out with a new album at least ONE article is entitled "Backstreet’s Back"?
463. Most magazines are at least three months behind in BSB news?
464. That in the magazine ads for Black & Blue, Nick’s wearing flip flops and you see his toes?
465. That your mom knows the Boys are on Rosie or TRL before you do?
466. Kevin uses the word "incredible" constantly
467. Kevin and AJ swear the most
468. Nick was pickin his nose when AJ was on the loud speaker on the plane....ewwwww
469. Whoo...Nick gets piiiiiiiiiissssssssssyyyyyyyy
470. Kevin is like a parent....Nick calls out to him to show him what he's doing and Kevin's reaction is 90% of the time that "Oh boy" look
471. Brian screams a lot
472. Apparently "shit" is the cuss word of choice for these Boys.
473. Nick cannot dance
474. Nick is into hoods lately....notice that? They are on EVERYTHING he wears.
475. On Diary when they show the Boys getting on the plane the first time. Brian trips up the stairs.
476. When AJ, Nick and Howie are watching the EMA's before they go on....AJ looks at Howie like, "Is this supposed to be funny?"
477. Each of their albums has had a unique title and no title track?
478. On BSB over broadway, notice that everyone BUT Brian held their mics, while Brian had a stand? Did he have to put in a request for that?
479. Anyone else notice that when Brian's asked to name one thing, he names like....4?
480. "I Promise You" ends abruptly... who wants to bet Nick was in the studio "looking" around that day "NICK DONT PUSH THA.... NEVERMIND!!"
481. Nick will repeat the question after being asked it the first time. "What are you wearing?" "What am I wearing? Clothes."
482. They have conversations about the stupidest crap.
483. Nick hears what he wants to hear.
484. Howie looks bored a lot.
485. Kevin has the amazing ability to look interested even tho you KNOW he's bored out of his mind.
486. In the early days....you could NEVER hear Nick in an interview...he was always sitting 4 feet away from the one microphone.
487. Before they are about to sing acapella they all look at each other like, "Are you starting?", "You starting?", "Who's gonna start?"
488. Brian sings everything.....it's annoying.
489. Nick will start to explain something.....screw up....and pass it off to Kevin.
490. Nick does more phone interviews than anyone on the planet.....and everyone says AJ's on the phone a lot.
491. Lately they are into showing all their not so pretty habits and parts. (Nick burping....AJ's vein....Kevin's eyelids)
492. Howie doesn't have a cool party trick.
493. T-shirts and suit jackets......
494. Nick looks like he's always about to burst out laughing when someone else is talking. Like he's got an inside joke about everything.
495. One of them is always sitting so close to AJ they are almost on his lap.
496. Kevin's microphone never works.
497. When Kevin explains something to Nick it's like watching a teacher explain something to the slow kid in class
498. Kevin's hair is as long as his wife's.
499. Is it just me, or does Kevin just not give a sh*t anymore? I don't mean about music, or his fans, but impressing people with himself. I think it's cool. He didn't even bother with talking to Carson, no, screw that. He went over to the people that MATTER...US!
500. AJ gets more normal with each passing day, I swear. It's like he's losing pieces of his insanity, and whatever he drops, Nick takes for himself.
501. Brian can't be sexual, so he's forced to find alternate means of hand motions. Rather than doing the whole "tappin-dat-ass" movement, he looks through his hand as if it were a spy glass. *sigh* Poor dear.
502. Nick looks at fans with such amusement.
503. Brian always gets the comfortable spot during the interviews.
504. Inevitably ONE of them...will NOT hear the question and go, "I didn't hear her...WHAT?"
505. Nick picks his ear a lot
506. If one of them has a camera.....that's a signal for the others to do stupid crap.
507. If Nick is talking seriously about something he won't make eye contact.
508. When not choreographed....Nick dances kinda like an oompa loompa.
509. Brian talks with his hands
510. Howie kicks his foot when he walks sometimes. *Skip*
511. Kevin can groove to absolutely ANY beat
512. If Nick's about to sing a passionate part, he bends over and takes the microphone away from his mouth. How nice of him to make sure he doesn't deafen us.
513. Nick holds a teacup like a girl
514. They say "frickin" a whole lot.
515. They still point out "cool stuff" to each other.
516. Did you ever notice, that the "big, scary" animal that Brian finds in his bed and makes him scream like a girl, looks A LOT like a fluffy bunny slipper?
517. Nick will randomly throw a spanish word in a sentence for no reason.
518. Nick says "Ya know" and "I mean" an average of 3 times in one sentence.
519. Nick stops in the middle of sentences a lot.
520. Howie says "Actually" like 50 times.
521. Kevins eyebrows seem to be getting bigger... along with his hair
522. Nick burps in the ATW video during SOMH. Closes his mouth, adam's apple moves, burps, starts singing....
523. On the 2nd View...when the Boys sang INBYH and Brian hugged the lil girl with cancer. A girl steps in front of Nick at the end to ask for his autograph and he tells her to move out of the way of the camera.
524. Lately Kevin's hair has been prettier than most of the fans. I mean it looks soft, it curls, and it's just all-around looks pretty.
525. Now when the Boys sing "All I Have To Give" Brian says "DO his gifts come from the heart?" He's learning...
526. On the "Larger Than Life" special, right around the beginning of the 2nd chorus of "Time" Nick is playing with the camera... then he looks up, sees that he's on the big screen and gives this big grin.
527. Howie seems to have issues with Nick and microphones.
528. Howie and Nick have been hanging out together a heck of a lot
529. Did you notice when Nick sung "I'll Make Love To You," he pointed at the floor? That kid's been hanging around AJ too long
530. When they are all in white in IWITW... suddenly there are 2 Kevins
531. Both AJ and Kevin told a story about fighting with Nick and in BOTH he attacked them with no warning.
532. Brian answered about Lou REAL quick.
533. Nick has become Celine Dion lately...what's with pounding your chest dude?
534. AJ always looks at Brian to confirm his answer.
535. AJ stutters
536. Brian's always the one to do the musical effects during a song they are singing acapella.
537. If one of them says something remotely funny it's a cue for the others to take it and run. Example? Kevin said Drowning had a bit of a country twang to it so the rest of them decide to sing Drowning a la country.
538. AJ stutters a lot. Half the time I'm like SPIT IT OUT DAMMIT!
539. When someone speaks to Nick in another language he looks like he's goin, "WHAT!?"
540. Kevin sits like a girl.
541. Nick wears flip flops anywhere in any weather.
542. If Nick really likes something about girls...he REALLY wants to make sure everyone knows. "Girls here are REALLY mysterious....VERY mysterious..." *thumbs up*
543. Nick says the word "tour" really really weird.
544. There is always a camera in someone's face. Like WAY too close.
545. Whenever Brian says something funny....he kills it by smiling like an idiot afterwards.
546. Howie is a damn datebook.
547. They always make Nick talk in the foreign language.
548. On the "Chapter One - The Video Hits" 'Millennium' is spelled wrong in all the video intros. The 2nd 'n' was forgotten.
549. In EVERY video they have, there's a shot of one of them singing the wrong words? Usually it's Kevin. Nice editing there people
550. Nick talks with his hands.....a LOT.
551. The white part in the official Nick Carter Racing Shirt points directly to the crotch. *slams head on desk*
552. Brian can no longer say "Gotta go" normally.
553. Nick's voice gets very high when he's explaining something.
554. Brian looks HOT when he's playing golf.
555. When Nick refers to the rest of the guys, he says "Kevin and the guys".
556. At the 1999 VMAs pre-show intervoew with Serena. Howie is answering her question about performing on stage at the Mertopolitan Opera House and Nick adjusts his package.
557. Ok, we all know Kevin is slow. I don't remember but I think it was on Hit List (Canada) when Howie, Kevin and AJ were promoting Millennium in Canada and Brian and Nick were in the States, I'm almost sure. And the question was, "Who is most likely to borrow money" And Kevin included himself in the answer..."because I never have the currency of the country we are in. So we'll go somewhere and I won't have cash..so I'll ask I'll need someone to.........I mean I won't have the currency of the country we are in, I'll only have American dollars." You have to SEE it to see how long it took him to realize he messed up.
Поделиться1810-08-2007 10:07:54
многа букафф!!! мы с Марисой начинали читать...я про КСР....надоело) потом перечитаю - там есть с чего поржать
Поделиться1910-08-2007 15:46:04
Забавно, очень забавно, но, видно, не дочитаю :gcrazy:
Поделиться2011-08-2007 03:31:15
Очень многа букафф
Буду читать доолгими зимними вечерами